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Agenda for Annual Membership Meeting

Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition

2019 Annual Membership Meeting

Tuesday, May 14th, 12:15 – 1:15 pm

Location: Hilton Garden Inn/North Seattle, 8401 Paine Field Blvd., Mukilteo, WA


1. Approval of Minutes from 2018 Annual Meeting (Draft Minutes)

2. Old Business

a. Accomplishments

b. Financials

2. New Business

a. Proposed bylaws changes

b. Proposed membership dues structure

c. Board Slate

i. Board Members Standing for Re-Election

ii. Candidates for Election - Nominations from floor with an emphasis on underrepresented geographical areas

d. Advocacy

3. Looking ahead

a. 2020 Annual Membership Meeting will be in May in Ashland, OR.

b. 2021 Gathering applications will be opened up in Fall 2019

Documents and details for bylaws and membership changes are provided Proposed Bylaws and Membership Changes

Current Board Members Standing for Re-Election

Kim Toskey

Kim Toskey is an affordable housing advocate & volunteer and the initiator of the Snohomish County CLT. Kim originated residential mortgage loans from 2001 to 2017, was a Washington State Housing Finance Commission (WSHFC) Premiere Partner for 10 consecutive years and a Five Star professional for the past seven years. She facilitated conversations between Fannie Mae (FNMA) and community land trusts (CLTs), that streamlined CLT mortgage approvals. As an affordable housing advocate and volunteer, she has served as a board director since 2006, as well as a financial literacy instructor.

Amy Warren Amy Warren is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Kôr Community Land Trust in Bend, Oregon. Amy has lived in Bend since 1996 and has seen first-hand the change in housing needs in this growing outdoor mecca. She has a passion for environmentally friendly building, and believes that sustainability and affordable housing should go hand-in-hand. Amy has a degree in Energy Systems Engineering and has worked in the construction field since 2002.

Kathleen Hosfeld

Kathleen Hosfeld is the Executive Director of Homestead Community Land Trust, Seattle, Washington which she joined in 2014, with a background in strategy and change management consulting. She brings prior experience in commercial real estate development and commitments to environmental sustainability, social justice, inclusion and equity. In addition to overall agency leadership, Kathleen is leading the development of a program through which Homestead will provide technical assistance in housing development to communities in King County at high risk of displacement from rapid growth and gentrification. She chairs the Housing Development Consortium's Homeownership Affinity Group.

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