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Increasing affordable homeownership through community land trusts in Washington State.


The Home Futures Institute is a program to build capacity and promote the development of nonprofit community land trust organizations across the state of Washington.  It is funded by the State of Washington, through an appropriation of $1 million administered by the State of Washington Department of Commerce. Through a competitive process, the Northwest CLT Coalition and Grounded Solutions Network were awarded a contract to design and implement the program. The contract was finalized in October 2022.


Professional Development and Training


For Community Land Trusts




Start-up and established community land trusts will have the opportunity to receive assessments on their current strengths and needs for professional development. 


Comprehensive Trainings

We will be creating two cohorts—one of Start-up CLTs and one of established CLTs—who will participate in a series of three intensive in-person trainings (the third scheduled to overlap with the spring NWCLTC Gathering). Participants will be asked to complete a comprehensive assessment in January which will guide curriculum development and set learning objectives for the series.  

Dates for the trainings are planned for:

March 7 – 9 (Sleeping Lady) 

April 3 – 5 (The Lodge at St. Edward) 

May 1 – 2 (Semiahmoo) 


New Tools and Resources 

Grounded Solutions Network and the NWCLTC will be updating and designing new tools that are intended to support new groups exploring the CLT model and to support the growth of existing CLTs. Institute participants will have opportunities to shape and provide feedback on tools. 














Community Land Trust 101 Series


Community land trusts, or CLTs, meet urgent community needs by placing homeownership within reach of those shut out by discrimination or high-cost markets, providing affordable housing opportunities and preventing displacement due to gentrification. CLTs can also be used to preserve commercial and community spaces, as well as access to open space and farmland. Black farmers and civil rights leaders developed the model over 50 years ago, and today urban and rural communities alike are using the model to ensure community control of land.


This series of introductory meetings is offered as part of the Home Futures Institute, presented by Grounded Solutions Network and the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition, and made possible by the State of Washington Department of Commerce.


All events are free, but registration is required.


March 23 | 11 AM Pacific This introductory webinar is for individuals interested in learning more about how to start or support a community land trust, including new staff or board members of existing CLTs. Hear from Washington State CLT representatives where CLTs have been producing and preserving housing for more than 30 years. Register Here


April 13 | 11 AM Pacific This introductory webinar is for individuals in the public sector who are interested in learning more about the CLT model and how they can support its creation, growth and sustainability. Hear from Washington State CLT experts and public partners about how they are working together and what they are looking ahead to in the future. Register Here


May 18 | 11 AM Pacific This introductory webinar is for real estate professionals, agents, appraisers, mortgage lenders and attorneys interested in learning more about the CLT model and how they can support their creation, growth and sustainability. Hear from Washington State CLT experts who have been producing and preserving housing for more than 30 years. Register Here


Other Elements of the Institute


Data for Impact Reporting

As part of the comprehensive training series, the program will be updating data for impact reporting so that, through HomeKeeper (the CRM platform CLTs use) and beyond, Washington State CLTs will be able to tell the stories that are most important to them. 


Landscape Reports


The Institute will also produce a series of landscape reports that Commerce and others can use to guide future funding and initiatives. One report will summarize the 2022-2023 Institute and will identify additional areas for future technical assistance and training efforts. The second report will summarize any recommendations made from the impact data.. 


Frequently Asked Questions 




Organizations that apply and qualify will participate in the Institute free of cost. A schedule of fees for non-qualifying organizations will be provided when registration opens.


Who Can Attend


The Institute is open to all Washington State community land trust organizations. We strongly encourage two people from each organization to join. 


To qualify, an organization must meet this definition:


A community land trust (CLT) is a private, non-profit, community-governed and/or membership corporation whose mission is to acquire, hold, develop, lease, and steward land for making uses such as homes, farmland, gardens, businesses, and other community assets permanently affordable for current and future generations. A CLT’s bylaws prescribe that the governing board is comprised of individuals who reside in the CLT’s service area, one-third of whom are currently, or could be CLT leaseholders.​


Can people from outside of Washington State participate? 


The in-person events will be open only to Washington State participants who qualify as community land trusts. Others may attend virtually and we encourage wide participation. Fees to attend will be provided when registration opens.




Check here for the latest schedules and information. The participant hub requires a password. Please contact Dolly Small at for access.




 If you have any questions about the registration or the Home Futures Institute training sessions, please email Dolly Small at





Copyright 2024 Northwest Communty Land Trust Coalition

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