Washington State Community Land Trust Capacity Building Program
In 2022, Washington State appropriated $1M out of the general fund solely for a program to build capacity and promote the development of nonprofit community land trust organizations across the state. Link here for Program Details
Self-Help Resources: The CLT community is an open-source, highly professional and supportive community. We count on each other to maintain the high standards our mission holds us to. There is plenty of support out there for new and evolving CLTs!
Before reaching out to other leaders or mentors, do your homework by accessing the following resources (and let us know if you are aware of other self-help resources)!
Grounded Solutions Network - Formed by the merger of the National Community Land Trust Network and Cornerstone Partnerships, the Grounded Solutions network supports organizations seeking to create housing solutions that will stay affordable for generations so communities can stabilize and strengthen their foundation.
Membership is required for Training Institute Classes, but the CLT Startup Hub is online and free: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED reading and downloads!! Sample documents are essential, and checklists are very helpful.
The Grounded Solutions HELP DESK is your go-to for:
Learning the nuances of the CLT model vs other shared-equity, Habitat for Humanity or other housing solutions. Is it the right model for your community and needs?
Coaching on planning first and next-steps when starting a CLT, in priority and logical order.
The basics of funding sources for CLT home construction and homebuyer mortgages.
Considerations for managing rental units within a CLT.
Help and coaching with “first times” (homes sales, resales, partnership agreements).
Review of Ground Leases based off the National Standard Ground Lease.
*Grounded Solutions Network prioritizes supporting leaders of color, and/or leaders serving communities of color.
Start-Up CLT Hub – Interested in starting your own community land trust? Determine your next steps at Grounded Solutions’ Start-up CLT Hub.
Technical Manual 2011 - In 2011, the Community Land Trust Network published a technical manual of resources for policies and legal documents needed operation of community land trusts.
Center for Community Land Trust Innovation:
The Center for Community Land Trust Innovation is a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization established in 2018 to promote and to support community land trusts and similar strategies of community-led development on community-owned land in countries throughout the world.
The Center provides the following services: (a) collecting and curating historical materials documenting the origins and evolution of the worldwide CLT movement; (b) conducting, cataloging, and disseminating academic and non-academic research; (c) producing case studies, directories, guides, and other educational materials; and (d) providing training, referral, and technical assistance for organizers and practitioners working with CLTs and similar strategies for the equitable and sustainable development of place-based communities. The Center publishes books and monographs under its trademarked imprint: Terra Nostra Press.
The Role of Community Land Trusts in Fostering Equitable, Transit-Oriented Development - This Lincoln Insitute for Land Policy paper examines the potential role of community land trusts (CLTs) to help address these concerns and ensure that transit-oriented development (TOD) is affordable to lower income households over the long term.
NWCLT Peer Mentoring Resources: Gotten as far as you can with the self-help resource and need some specific questions answered? Your NWCLT partners are here to help!
Annual Gathering: By far and away, the greatest value for ramping up your knowledge is by attending the Annual NWCLT Conference (Check News for Latest Details). In addition to the sessions you can attend, you will meet and network with your peers.
One-on-one Support: Talk to a member peer or NWCLT board member about the decisions you are getting stuck on. A NWCLT mentor can either quickly keep you moving, or refer you to a consultant if you are ready for (and need) longer-term or specific professional assistance. Sometimes, you just need a little advice on what questions to ask, and we can help you figure that out. Additional details here:
Peer Cohort Learning: Join a group of peers for group learning and sharing at monthly or quarterly online chats, facilitated by a NWCLT mentor or consultant (In development).
Books and Films: Get grounded in CLT history and current trends:
The Community Land Trust Handbook: The ‘bible’ of CLT history and standards in Europe.
Arc of Justice, film A documentary of the creation of the first modern community land trust.
CLT Members Facebook Page: Got a random question that you want to ask other peers. This is an easy, low-stakes way to learn how others do it!
Our Roots – How did community land trusts get started? Watch this series of informative videos created by John Davies of Burlington Associates for the National Community Land Trust Coalition.
Chapter 1: https://youtu.be/aC7YRbih4IY
Chapter 2: https://youtu.be/WQmKNCicCIA
Chapter 3: https://youtu.be/Wx-eqCgoaQc
Chapter 4: https://youtu.be/1Zye7K4ySMs