May 13 Workshop Highlights City-CLT Partnerships
The Northwest CLT Coalition will present a workshop - Grounding the Investment:Partnering with CLTs in Your Community -- May 13, 2019 highlighting opportunities for cities and community land trusts to work together for affordable housing. This

event is designed for public and nonprofit agencies considering partnerships with CLTs; new employees of said agencies and existing community land trusts; new and potential board members for CLTs and their partnering organizations; and start-up CLTs.
May 13, 2019 1:30 – 4:30 pm
Edmonds Yacht Club
326 Admiral Way
Edmonds, Washington 98020
The workshop will feature these presenters:
Julie Brunner, CLT consultant/trainer and Housing Manager, OPAL CLT, Orcas Island
Erika Malone, Senior Homeownership Specialist, Seattle Office of Housing
Dean Fearing, Executive Director, Kulshan CLT, Bellingham
Mike Cooney, Mayor, City of Chelan
The afternoon will open with some technical information about CLTs, including context as to what details make a CLT a CLT and not just deed-restricted housing. A quick look at resale formulas and stewardship considerations will round out the first portion of the day. Then, with a panel of presenters from a large, a mid-size and a small city, we will look at the CLT-municipal partnership from both the government side and the non-profit side. We will also look at messaging about that relationship.
We will hear the story of Chelan, where the city instigated the formation of the CLT, and the story of Bellingham, where the relationship was long-established and productive until the housing levy created the need for a revision in protocols and procedures. We will also hear from Seattle where the CLT is one of many different housing partnerships.
Attendees will receive a list of resources about CLT organizations and documents, an impact booklet published by the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition, and the opportunity to ask questions of experienced practitioners (almost 60 years cumulative experience on the panel).
Some of the NW CLT Coalition Board members will also be on hand to answer questions about the role of the Coalition in supporting CLTs across our beautiful, booming region.
The workshop cost is $25, but free for NWCLT Members.
Register for tickets Registration Online
Questions? Call Kim Toskey 425.422. 5286 or email