NWCLTC Annual Meeting July 7, 2020
Notice of Annual Membership Meeting July 7, 2020 12-1:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time - REGISTER
In light of the COVID-19 virus, the NWCLTC Annual Meeting will be presented in the Zoom virtual format.
New Business
2019 Accomplishments
Proposed Bylaw Changes (see below for suggested changes).
Board Slate – Nominations may be taken from the floor but are encouraged as far in advance of the meeting as possible with an emphasis on diversity, CLT homeownership, and underrepresented geographic areas. Forms to nominate Board members are available here Nominations should be sent to Marney McCleary before May 25th at mmccleary@rcac.org
Looking Ahead
2021 Gathering will be held in Ashland, Oregon
2022 Gathering will be hold in Chelan, Washington
Suggested Bylaws Changes:
Member Nominations. Regular Members may nominate Representatives to the Board from among themselves. These nominations must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Corporation at least sixty (current bylaws say 30 days) days prior to the Annual Meeting or made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Term Limits. Trustees shall serve a maximum of three consecutive two-year terms. If a Trustee wishes to return to board service after serving three consecutive terms, that person may seek nomination again after waiting one year from the end of their last term, and if elected may serve an additional term.
Other upcoming events:
In September, we hope to see you in Minneapolis for Intersections 2020 with GSN, and in October, we hope to see you in Tacoma for Housing Washington!
The NWCLTC is able to put these events together and further our pilot programs of mentorship and peer support through two terrific sponsors; JP Morgan Chase and Banner Bank have extended their Gathering sponsorship to cover these meetings and operational expenses this year, even without our regular event! It is these ongoing partnerships that facilitate stronger Community Land Trusts throughout our Region!!!
Thank you again, Banner Bank and JP Morgan Chase Bank!!!