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The Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition's professional development sessions continue through the remainder of the year.

This series is an extension of our virtual gathering this year. Please join us for one or all of the following events. Please note that your registration fee allows you to attend all sessions. Individual Zoom links will be emailed out 24-28 hours prior to each session.

If you have already registered for the full Gathering, your attendance at the sessions listed below is free.

If you have not yet registered, you may register for all of them for just $25.

Stewardship & Homeowner Engagement

Tuesday June 22nd 2021 2:30 – 3:30pm PST

Hear from CLTs about staying connected with homeowners through social events, volunteer opportunities and more. This session will feature CLT Homeowners who are/were a board director or staff member. Discuss key motivations for-- and barriers to-- homeowner engagement, also future possibilities and plans. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Midsummer Night’s Poetry Reading

Tuesday June 22nd 2021 4:30 – 5:30 pm PST

Celebrate summer with your colleagues and friends by reading original or favorite works. Housing-themed Limerick and Haiku Competition—start writing!

Disaster Preparedness Session

Wednesday August 11th 2021 1:30-4:00pm PST

Many CLTs across our region have experienced disasters -–wildfires, earthquakes, major storms-- uprooting operations, homeowners, and neighborhoods. These events create new and foreign challenges for CLTs that can be navigated a little easier with a good plan. CLTs experienced with disaster planning and recovery share their ideas, plans, and resources, so we can all be ready when that day comes.

Virtual Game Night

Wednesday August 11th 2021 4:30 – 6:30pm PST

Join in one of three or four game rooms for a little comradery and competition! Pictionary, Poker, Trivial Pursuit—we’re open to suggestions!

History of CLT's

September 22nd 2021 3:30pm - 4:30pm PST

Lisa Buyers, Executive Director of OPAL and a founding member of both our Northwest Coalition and the national network, now Grounded Solutions Network, leads us through the history of Community Land Trusts, including much of the work done by John Davis to standardize best practices and the development of a federally-recognized, replicable model. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Movie Night

September 22nd 2021 4:30 - 5:00 pm PST

The Arch of Justice, 2016. Watch this award-winning film about the formation of the first Community Land Trust: New Communities, Inc. in Albany, Georgia. Grounded in the civil rights movement of the 1960s, this first CLT was created to protect against the loss of both homes and jobs, as rural farms were sold to suburban developers. We will schedule a second screening at 7pm PST, if requested. Please email or to express interest.

HUD Regional Round Table Conversation

September Date/Time TBD

What is the late-breaking news? What is on the horizon? We continue the conversation with our Region X office and hope to meet the new Director! Possible debut appearance of the new Montana HUD coordinator!

Economic Development

October Date/Time TBD

Anchorage CLT is 100% focused on economic development: small business incubation and coaching, as well as providing commercial space for operations. Trust Montana recently added a farm/ranch program to preserve and enhance small, family farming operations. Join us to explore how CLTs foster and steward economic opportunities in their communities.

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