Recruiting for NWCLTC Board 2024

Dear NWCLTC member,
Do you want to help shape the future of the Northwest Community Land Trust
Coalition? Does the idea of meeting regularly with CLT colleagues across the
Northwest and working toward shared goals across the region excite you? Are you a
strategic, innovative thinker who enjoys building coalitions across state lines to build
power and stability among the community land trust movement as a whole?
Membership of the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition has grown
significantly in recent years, and in January 2024 the Coalition Board of Directors
completed a strategic refresh, attached here. With the help of our facilitator, we
sought information from members about what you wanted to see the Coalition offer
and how the Coalition could best serve you.
Based on member input, during the planning retreat the Board developed a shared
vision for what we intend to accomplish over the next three years.
The Board is experiencing some natural turnover this year and we need energetic
and dedicated practitioners from within our membership community to join the
Board and help us fulfill these goals! We currently have 2-5 seats available with
term limits of two years. Board commitments include a monthly meeting and some
additional committee work, and we will bring new members onto the team at our
annual meeting at the Gathering in May. To apply or learn more, please reach out
or fill out the google form application.
Brittany Palmer, Board President
Courtney Naumann, Board Vice President
David Ellsworth-Keller, Board Secretary
Nils Peterson, Board Treasurer