Our Vision
NWCLTC members share the vision of the Northwest as home to a growing number of dynamic, effective, and sustainable community land trust organizations. The Coalition’s work and successful accomplishments will lead to:
An increased number of communities within the region that are served by CLTs
An increased amount of dedicated and accessible funds to support CLT projects
Increased production/preservation of affordable housing by CLTs
Significant gains in support for the community land trust movement
Clear policy preference for permanently affordable homeownership
Strong partnerships with others across interest and issue areas.
Across the Northwest region, CLTs will be widely recognized and highly valued for their professional skills and innovative strategies for building affordable and equitable communities. CLTs work to ensure permanently affordable access to land as the foundation for their efforts to create:
Affordably priced homes for sale to low and moderate income households
Innovative and appropriate economic development activities
Effective community stewardship of the land
Our Values
The Coalition’s core values include:
Collaboration and sharing of ideas, best practices and documents within and among the Coalition membership
Supporting all CLTs to achieve excellence in management, program delivery and community connections
Accomplishing our organizational goals in a fiscally responsible manner
Emphasizing the use of affordable housing resources to ensure permanent affordability
Encouraging a thoughtful and respectful regard for land as a community asset by ensuring its careful use
Promoting sustainable approaches and relationships that steward the community's economic, social and natural capital.
Social Justice: Lifting up people and places that have been left behind by inequitable housing
policies, discriminatory practices or runaway real-estate prices.
Land Reform: Expanding the supply of community-owned land.
Community Engagement: Engaging place-based communities in planning and guiding the trajectory of their own development.
Democratic Governance: Involving
those who benefit in guiding and governing our organizations.