Washington State is home to at least 22 community land trusts (CLTs) that serve diverse rural and urban communities. CLTS have provided affordable housing for residents of the State of Washington since 1989. Over 1,000 permanently affordable for-sale homes serve CLT owners. CLTs also steward nearly 300 rental homes including Section 8 housing.
Each CLT is led by community members who are responsive to local needs. Washington State CLTs have created significant homeownership opportunities for Black Indigenous and People of Color.
Washington State CLTs have a history of innovation and leadership to advance the capacity of local organizations. We created an industry-standard software application that supports stewardship, designed and delivered two capacity building institutes to catalyze growth of homes in trust throughout the state. We created the Northwest Community Land Trust Coalition as a multi-state model of collaboration.
Community land trusts in Washington State work together and in coalition with other affordable homeownership organizations to increase homebuying opportunities for income-qualified households and to close racial disparities in ownership rates. Our priorities for 2025 include:
Increase Affordability for Income-Qualified Buyers
Extend REET tax exemption on the sale of income-restricted homeownership homes from self-help ownership to all models and types of homes built with public funds.
Address the Crisis of Supply by Funding New Homes
Fund homeownership development through an historically high Housing Trust Fund allocation, and align funding policies and awards resulting in significantly more homes available to income-qualified households.
Increased funding for the Washington State Housing Finance Commission's Land Acquisition Program to allow more land purchases for affordable homeownership.
Reduce prevailing wage compliance requirements for small contractors to reduce cost for affordable homeownership developers and more construction opportunities for small and BIPOC firm.
Fund a pilot project to develop mortgage financing for permanently affordable limited equity cooperatives.
Washington CLTs also Support
Exemption of publicly funding affordable homeownership developments from construction materials sales tax
Washington CLT Advocacy Summary 2025
Washington CLT Policy Background -- Permanently Affordable Homeownership
For additional information
on the crisis of supply of
affordable homeownership,
please visit the Closed Doors Report, an analysis of ways to unlock first-time homebuying opportunities in Washington State through permanently affordable homeownership.